The Technical and Biomechanical Aspects of Road Accidents (The Orthopedic-Traumatic Aspects)

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Hein, M.F.


Mazzotti, I. B.; Castro, W.H.M.

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11. EVU-Jahrestagung, Portoroz 2002


Hein, M.F.; Mazzotti, I. B.; Castro, W.H.M.: The Technical and Biomechanical Aspects of Road Accidents (The Orthopedic-Traumatic Aspects). 11. EVU-Jahrestagung, Portoroz 2002

English, 4 pages, 12 references
Keywords: WAD, load capacity, cervical spine

Whiplash Associated Disorders (WAD) are one of the most controversial discussed problems in medicine. In 1990, more than 400.000 persons in Germany reported cervical spine problems after a traffic accident; this is a common injury. As a consequence to this high frequency, there are a lot of publications in literature concerning this problem, but according to an analysis published in 1995 by the Quebec Task Force, most of these publications are not worth of consumption. The article presents a short overview about the scientific proven facts concerning WAD.