Delta-V and EES Calculation based on Damage Photos – Results of a Field Study in Switzerland

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Walz, F.


Bosshard, R.; Muser, H.

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9. EVU-Jahrestagung, Berlin 2000


Walz, F.; Bosshard, R.; Muser, H.: Delta-v und EES-Bewertung nach Schadenfotos, Ergebnisse einer Feldstudie in der Schweiz. 9. EVU-Jahrestagung, Berlin 2000

Delta-V of the pushed vehicle

German, 20 pages, 16 figures, 10 references
Keywords: Certification, delta-V

Collisions with low delta-v often result in whiplash injuries. Accidents of this kind can usually be reconstructed with the help of damage photographs and the calculation of the EES only. Yet the calculation of EES requires the use of reference values and estimations. Therefore, exact statements are difficult to make in this field. This paper presents a study which examined the bandwidth of results from different technical opinions. It turns out that the EES method yields results of acceptable accuracy. There is, however, no enough up-to-date reference data with respect to the EES catalogues.