Braking deceleration measurement of passenger and special vehicles

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Kasanický, G.


Kohút, P.; Jurina, R.

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21. EVU Conference, Brasov


Kasanický, G.: Braking deceleration measurement of passenger and special vehicles

Almost every road aEVU 2012 Brasov Kasanickyccident is preceded by an emergency braking. Knowledges about deceleration of individual classes and types of vehicles are indispensable for everyday work of the experts. Not only vehicles, but also tyres, and last but not least, also pavements are subject to a quick development. In this article are included measurement deceleration results of passenger and special vehicles. Measurements were performed on a dry surface ,with vehicles with ABS and without ABS, left traces were also recorded. The measuring instrument was XL Meter Pro; measurements were performed on two measuring sections, from speeds 40, 60, 90 and 130 km/h. Every measurement of a passenger vehicle was repeated 3 times and total number of measurements was 130. Speeds of special vehicles were given by a vehicle construction and some of them were measured both on a wet and on dry surface.