Developping Guidelines for a „Best Practices“ Qualification of Accident Analysts, QUERY

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Main author

Weber, Michael



Type of media


Publication type

Research report

Publication year



EVU - Hauptverein


Support from Brussels

The Query project

In 2004 the EVU set itself the target to establish an accident investigator network and to investigate how the professional profile of specialists in accident reconstruction is integrated into the different legal systems. This project has the German title of:

Developing Guidelines for a “Best Practices” Qualification of Accident Analysts, QUERY for short.

The work started on 1. of July 2004, the project runed over 2 years and was finished the 30. of juin 2006.

The QUERY project was subsidised with 50% of the costs by the DG-Tren of the European Union (Director General of Energy and Transport). With this subsidy and sponsorship from various organisations including the DVR, a budget of 100,000 Euro was able to be raised for the financing.

The complet report of the project can be downloaded here as a PDF.